ULTRAPAV PROJECT: High performance, sustainable and safe pavements

ULTRAPAV PROJECT: High performance, sustainable and safe pavements



Semi-hot asphalt mixtures, AUTL, Wearing course, CO2 saving, Sustainability, Environment

The ULTRAPAV project has the main aim of developing bituminous pavements with high mechanical performance, that are sustainable and safe for road wearing courses, capable of reducing the amount of natural resources, decreasing vehicle fuel consumption, lowering the manufacturing temperature of the bituminous mixtures, increasing road safety due to optimal resistance to sliding and avoiding the emission of particles into the atmosphere by decreasing the wear of both tyres and road surface.


Project financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) (CDTI) with the R&D Projects Program for 2018 (IDI-20181048) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Multiregional Operational Programme for Spain 2014-2020.