Smart pavement with optical fibre

Smart pavement with optical fibre


Valencian polytechnic University

Optical fibre, Monitoring, Sensoristion, Prediction, Preservation, Preventive, Maintenance, Asphalt surfaces

The OPTICAL FIBRE project focuses on a new monitoring system of the structural condition of the road surface, using for this sensors based on optical fibre photon technology.

This system allows precisely assessing the condition of the road surface and detecting the appearance of pathologies related to the structural condition, with the aim of a more efficient road surface management.

Project financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) (CDTI) with the R&D Projects Program for 2018 (IDI-20180942) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).