Our main purpose is to achieve a professional environment and facilitate the balance of family and professional life and make effective the principle of equality in all areas of the company.
Pavasal has an “Equality in the Company” distinction awarded by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. This is a recognition of excellence in the application and development of equality measures and highlights our situation in terms of equality in the professional context. Thanks to this distinction, Pavasal forms part of the 170 companies that belong to the DIE Network (Network of Companies with Equality in the Company distinction). This has the purpose of exchanging good practices and experiences in Equal Opportunities and the sharing of knowledge in this area through technical seminars, working groups and ad hoc studies.
This recognition is added to the regional distinction that Pavasal has been receiving since 2012, awarded by the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, ‘Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats’ endorsement and seal.
As a result of the equality plans implemented to date, Pavasal has an action protocol for situations of sexual, psychological or gender-based harassment. We also have a Work-Life Balance Manual and a catalogue of more than 30 measures for equality and work-life balance. Thus, we should highlight that the female staff of Pavasal currently represent 12.5% of the total workforce, compared with 9.6% of the women represented in the construction industry as a whole.